Saturday, June 25, 2011

Buneeps Coming Soon!

Recently when I talked to my grandma she told me about a strange dream she had, her dream inspired a new creation.In her dream she was visiting my mom and sister to see their new rabbit( in real life I just got a rabbit) and when my mom brought it out it was a mix between a real bunny and a peep. The half rabbit and peep had really short teeth and was soft but squishy like a marsh mellow, the color was a reddish pink. when my sister wanted to put the rabbit back in the cage my grandma couldn't find it. They looked around but it had disappeared. My grandma suddenly had a thought "Oh no I just ate their peep bunny!" She said at that point she woke up half laughing but relieved the dream wasn't real. Thanks to my grandmas odd dream I thought it would be  cute to make a half bunny half peep. So coming soon to my Madd Felter etsy shop are Buneeps!
This buneep is hand sewn with a very soft blue fabric and stuffed with polyester fiberfill. The eyes are white felt that has been painted with acrylic paint. Both the paws and teeth are made with felt, it also has a puffy yarn tail.

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